Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Es macht immer spaß!!

Hallo lovely wonderful people,

This week we had Distrikt P-day, Zone Training, Valentine’s Day and Fasching!!! 

P-day: We went to a beautiful town up in the Alps located on a beautiful lake with churches dotting the scenery. We went with our whole Distrikt, which was Salzurg missionaries, including the amazing Elder and Sister Matthews and Neumarkt Elders. It was amazing to see the beautiful landscape here. And as per usual, the Elders and Sister Miller wore Trachten, which is the traditional wear for Austria and Southern Germany, and they looked really good! (I had bought my Drindl, but it wasn't ready yet)

Zone Training: Every month the missionaries in leadership positions meet in München and receive training from President. And then those missionaries hold a meeting for the other missionaries in their area to train, teach, and uplift. This second meeting is called Zone Training and it was really good last week!!!  They talked about what it means to listen to someone and how we need to be listening just as much as we are teaching.  I also loved how they encouraged us to be self-motivated and how they said if you are clean and worthy stay that way. If you aren’t get clean and get worthy. Our biggest judge is ourselves, and it is amazing that the Lord trusts us enough to teach us correct principles and then lets us govern ourselves. I really felt the spirit of self-discipline from the Zone Leaders, which was really amazing!

Tuesday was also Valentine’s Day!!! So Happy Valentine’s Day!! Sister Miller bought me a flower and made me a cute Valentine, the Zone Leaders all gave us Valentine's Day Tea, and the Matthews gave us a Berliner!!! So it was a great Valentine’s Day!! 

To top Monday and Tuesday off, we had Klagenfurt stay the night! That was super fun!! We just talked about everything, it was super fun!! 

Finally on Saturday we got to celebrate Fasching, which is a holiday here that is similar to Halloween in the way it is celebrated. We helped out at our PV (Primary Children ages 0-11) activity and at the one in Neumarkt! It was so much fun to help out with the games and to watch the kids all dress up and have so much fun playing games. As missionaries we kind of dressed up but the kids and parents went all out, it was really cool!! We also helped set up for Fasching on Wednesday night, which was fun!!

I got my Drindl last week and attached a picture of my Drindl and my Swatch! 

This week, I have been thinking about time management and self-reliance, I don’t know how many of you know about the Church's Self-Reliance program, but it is really cool!! I have been getting the impression that I need to read it and study it better. We are trying it out as a mission and we are going through the step as missionaries. I just want to say that our testimony of the Gospel and our testimony of Jesus Christ as our Savior and Redeemer are precious and we should treasure that precious knowledge. When life gets hard, people doubt their faith and they doubt the existence of a God, but if we root our faith in Him and in the Book of Mormon, and we base our conversion on Jesus Christ and become self-reliant on our testimony, then we will be able to weather those storms. It is hard sometimes to know where to find answers but when we personally search the scriptures and fast and pray for an answer, we can know that the answer we get is truly an answer from God. He is there and He wants to answer your questions. Finding your own answers through patience, faith, and effort is one of the greatest blessings we have from God. That is the true spirit of the Self-Reliance—being able to weather the storms of life with God and His guidance. 

I love you all; I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior, Redeemer and Brother. He loves us and wants us to return to live with our Father and He wants us to be happy. He knows what we are going through, He knows how we feel, and He knows us!! How wonderful is that!
Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission


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