Monday, February 13, 2017

Es ist eine schöne Stadt

Hallo meine schöne Freunde!

Our Taufen Termin:
We had an amazing appointment with our investigator who has a baptismal date! We were able to bring our GML with us and it helped us to better explain our point. We talked about the importance of Prayer, Scripture study and Keeping the Sabbath Day Holy, and how we need to have these three things to be able to keep the Holy Ghost in our lives!!

Junge Damen: 
We were invited to the Young Women this week and we were designing wedding dresses.... I think this is a sign for Sister Miller. She doesn't want to believe me, but she goes home in a couple of weeks.... (It's going to happen) 

Picture of my dress included it's not see through it just appears that way.

This week we have planned a lot of finding!!! We don't have a ton of investigators at the moment, so what do you do? You go find new people. There is a phrase that says "Nothing Happens in Missionary Work until You Find Someone to Teach." I am a firm believer in this. I have come to love finding! It's amazing the feeling you get when get to stop someone on the street and for a few minutes they think about something more. They wonder if there is a purpose. They reflect on their creator. That is the wonderful part of being a missionary, it's beautiful really! Finding is definitely hard and sad when people slam doors in your face or when they yell at you, or the worst is when they won't even let you talk to them at all, but it's all worth it in the end. The Lord knows where His elect are. He is preparing people and it's our job to look for them. 

Every week we have FHE (Family Home Evening) at a member’s house on Sunday night and we play games, eat food, and share a spiritual thought. It's super fun, and I am getting to learn new vocabulary, and getting to know the members better. The mom is super sweet too; she is organizing a member appointment schedule for us so we can get to know more members faster! It's super sweet!!!  This week we got to play with their hamsters!!! Picture included!!

I want you all to know, how much I appreciate the thoughts and prayers that you are sending my way. I feel so much love from all of you and I am very grateful!! 

The Lord knows each and every one of us. We are HIS children, and He loves us and wants us to return to live with Him forever!!! What a beautiful message!! I know what we lived with our Father in Heaven before this life, and this life is our chance to learn about Him and to believe in Him. And when we believe in Him, He can take away our pains and our sorrows and give us the greatest gift we could ever receive—eternal life with our family!!!!
Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission


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