Thursday, December 15, 2016

Christmas Is in the Air!!

Frohe Weihnachtsfest,

Christmas Conference 
Christmas Conference was on Tuesday and was amazing!!!  
We got to see President Kohler and Sister Kohler and they are the cutest, so spiritual.   
The whole day was amazing!!! We had amazing food and President spoke on how faith 
is the main part of missionary work and he talked about the two most important dates in
December (and no December 19th was not one of them): December 23rd and 25th. The 23rd
was when Joseph Smith was born because he restored the Church to the Earth under the
direction of Jesus Christ whose birth we celebrate on the 25th! We also got to watch two
videos shown at the Church History sites in Harmony, Pennsylvania, and I think Fayette,
New York where the Whitmer Farm is. SOO GOOD! If you can, go to the site and watch it! 

Because I am now in Switzerland I get to go to the Temple once a transfer!!!! YEAH!!!
So on Wednesday we went and it was so cool! It was in Italian so I listened to it in English so I actually knew what was going on! It was so pretty though!!

We had Tausch and I went up to Schaffhausen and stayed with Sister Brinkerhoff—she is going home this week—so it was amazing to talk to a sister who has served her whole mission and to ask her for advice and to realize it is okay to have fun and to make mistakes! She is amazing!! 

The Ward Christmas Brunch was on Saturday and it was fun to see how the Swiss celebrate Christmas! Santa came and the kids had to perform something in order to get their presents and everyone sang songs! Sister Heller even recorded one song because they sang it in Swiss German!!! Crazy!! We sang Rudolph too, and I actually didn’t need the words for that one! It was funny because they sang Deutsch, Suisse Deutsch and English! 

Have you been doing it? I would love to hear about the stories, miracles, awkward situations you have had from it! This is a wonderful time of the year when people open up their hearts and are more ready to hear the Gospel. I have seen this in my missionary work here as we walk around with our tablets and the #LighttheWorld video downloaded in 5 different languages. And while some people chase us out of their buildings, some people are willing to watch a short video about Christmas! And we then get to share our testimony of Jesus Christ and He is the Light of the World!
I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer and all that is good is because of HIM. We can share in His light by serving others. I know that He lives and because He lives, I am here serving and teaching others. This video is doing miracles. We are now teaching a family because of this video, and the power of Jesus Christ's light and how it touches others’ lives through us! I cannot share my testimony and the video online, but you can. I am asking you to share the video and your testimony. Let’s share the Light of Christ and bring others closer to Him!

Zürich Is amazing!! I love my new area, the people are wonderful, the city is gorgeous and Sister Heller is amazing!!! I am finding Suisse Deutsch difficult, but I can usually tell when they are speaking it, which is the first step, right?

I did not get to watch the Christmas devotional because we had an appointment when our ward was showing it. Hopefully we can watch it at some point this week!
Also attached is our Companion Christmas card!!!

Liebe Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission



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