Friday, October 28, 2016


Hallo Freunde,
This week was full of adventures but I can't talk about them all; things to do and people to teach. So the best part was yesterday!!!
Well Saturday, we had a lesson with an investigator in this cute little town, and he is so golden!!!! He wants to come to church and he did!!!! We had 2 less actives, a neu bekehrt (new convert) and an investigator at church!!! Our little branch almost reached 40 people!!!! We were in shock because we have very little progress the past few weeks, but on our way to pick up one of the less actives, we called our neu bekehrt and he said he was coming--that he was on his way, and we tried calling our untersucher (investigator), but he didn't answer... Then on our walk to the church with our less active, he called and said he was 5 minutes from Hauptbahnhof!!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!! You could have blown us over with a feather we were so happy!!!!
Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers, they really do help!!!
I am sorry that this email is so short this week! I am running out of time!
I challenge you to read your scriptures and to pray and truly worship our Savior Jesus Christ everyday. When you are stressed, read the scriptures!!! It helps I know because I have done it.
One last thing I learned this week is that when you are about to do great things for God, the adversary tries to get in the way. He does everything he can. For me, sometimes he tests my patience. I am sad to say that I was very short with Sister W***** on Sunday morning until I realized what was happening. The Lord can help you stay strong and resist but He never said it would be easy, only worth it!!!
Keep the faith, and I am so grateful for all of you!! Have a great week!! Schöne Woche noch!!
Liebe Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Alpenländische Mission
Neues Testament Studium 2016 3 Monate Plan

The Healing and Redeeming Power

Hallo die Welt,

We had an appointment with a member on Montag (Monday) and it was super fun teaching the little kids how to be missionaries. They are an American family, so it was nice to be able to speak in English and to compare the differences between the two because they totally understand.

We had ZONE TRAINING (Dienstag /Tuesday) TAUSCH (Dienstag durch Mittwoch/Tuesday through Wednesday)! Zone training was really cool because the AP’s came and shared some insights and we did a whole lot of roll plays; most people don't like them and they are usually very awkward, but I have found even in my short time out that I learn so much from them!!! The theme for our transfer is FIND THE ONE LEAVE HIS LEGACY! I think that is super important to focus on finding the elite because then you will be more concentrated.  I got to Tausch with Sister M***** and Sister W***** tausched with Sister P**** (okay funny story break **** Sister P***** was in my MTC Distrikt and room, and she wanted Sister W***** to be her trainer, but then I got her. They graduated together and then they were companions for 24 hours)

I learned so much from Tausch. I had been praying and praying to figure out how to make our companionship better and how to get it the way we both wanted it to be. I was reading in the New Testament, trying to catch up and I read a passage that literally answered my whole question and then Sister M***** and I were talking, and she said a few other things that kind of hit me in the face. I have realized that is one thing that happens a lot on your mission; you’re going along and then something you read or hear hits you in the face and your like OKAY OKAY. I know I need to work on that!

Wednesday came and Sister M***** and I went finding and we were able to pass out some cards!!  I really need to work on my finding abilities because I just get really nervous...

Overall this week has been full of ups and downs. We had to drop another investigator and then we went through our white board of investigators and cleaned it out and we have three investigators: one we can't get a hold of, one we haven't met with in a while, and the other is a truck driver, so he is gone for extended periods of time... We got a referral and met with them but he wasn’t interested and because of his background we would need permission to teach him anyways. (Muslims require permission and a lot of questions and so forth to teach out of the interest of their safety and that of their family)

I feel like we are mostly working with the less actives which is great!  ONE OF OUR LESS ACTIVES CAME TO CHURCH!!!!!!!! Sister W***** walked to her house to pick her up and walked with her to Church. Please pray that Schwester F***** will continue coming to Church!!

So because I feel like we aren't working with anyone (we literally have zero progression getting investigators, and I had no motivation to go out finding) I was getting really stressed and so I prayed asking for help. I had an overwhelming feeling I CAN NOT DO THIS ON MY OWN. I CAN ONLY DO THIS, FINISH MY MISSION THROUGH HIM AND HIS GREAT MERCIFUL ATONEMENT!

I realized some areas that I need to work on and overall that I need to rely on His Atonement every day.

I know that the only way through life is through His Atonement. The Atonement is the center of everything we do as missionaries, as members of His Church! There would be no plan (2 Nephi 9), no need for the Gospel and baptism (3 Nephi 11:27), no need for the Restoration if there was no Atonement. We would be cursed for eternity by our own weakness BUT THERE IS AN ATONEMENT, THERE IS HOPE, THERE IS A WAY BACK (Alma 42:13-15).

By the way I found my formatting skills on my tablet. Ha ha

Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Some Things You Learn and Some Things You Re-learn

Hallo Alle in der Welt,
Ignore my possibly incorrect German :)

     Just a funny thing— we were going to a member’s home this week and we ended up on a bus full of kids. Here kids ride public transit instead of a school-specific bus, and they were listening to American music, and I am sure they had no idea what the words meant, but they thought they were cool. The lyrics I heard were "DON'T NEED A FORTUNE TELLER TO TELL ME MY FORTUNE." Sister Whiting and I just burst out laughing so hard!!!
     This email is going to be a little different because I feel like I learned so much this week that I want to share with you.
     So as I invited you all last week to read in the New Testament I have been doing it with my companion during Mitarbeiter Studium (companion study) and it is so enriching to study it with someone else because you both draw on things you have learned and are able to increase your understanding. So I encourage you to read it with someone or to follow along with the Institute/Seminary manuals found in the Gospel Library app. I would also love to hear what you are learning!

     There is an opposition in all things! When you lose yourself in the service of others you find yourself! Sorry I don't have my scriptures with me so I don't have references for those. This week was a mixture of emotions for us! It's crazy! We have a less active, two members and an investigator who are going through a hard time, and it is amazing to see how the Lord uses his willing servants to help uplift and encourage his children. We send these wonderful women a text every day to uplift their spirits and to help them remember who they are and their great worth in the sight of God. 
     This is why I was asking for scriptures or talks that are inspirational and uplifting. I have found that when I focus on them and their needs my own needs and wants are temporarily not important. I also have found that afterwards my needs and wants are exemplified because the adversary tries to get us to be selfish and down on ourselves. He wants us to think we can't improve, that the trials we are facing are our own fault, and that if we had only done... then we could be happy. He tries to make us forget that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are not loving and sometimes not real. WE MUST SAY NO TO THAT VOICE! Please know "My brothers and sisters, the first great commandment of all eternity is to love God with all of our heart, might, mind, and strength—that’s the first great commandment. But the first great TRUTH of all eternity is that God loves us with all of HIS heart, might, mind, and strength."-Elder Holland

      We can improve, WE CAN MAKE IT! "Yes! You are going to be good enough” and “Yes, you are going to make it as long as you keep repenting and do not rationalize or rebel.” The God of heaven is not a heartless referee looking for any excuse to throw us out of the game. He is our perfectly loving Father, who yearns more than anything else to have all of His children come back home and live with Him as families forever. He truly gave His Only Begotten Son that we might not perish but have everlasting life! Please believe, and please take hope and comfort from, this eternal truth. Our Heavenly Father intends for us to make it! That is His work and His glory." -Elder Cornish

      I know that there are times and moments when doubt creeps in, it's normal for that to happen but we cannot let it stay! Doubt your doubts! I feel like that is one commandment I am learning to act on. On your mission your doubts are constant, but your faith is consistent! The Lord is on your side and if you can in the darkest of moments, like Joseph remember the Lord is on your side and that He CAN help you and He WANTS to help you, then even then you can have Hope!

     "With my broken mind came her broken heart. But little did we know that despite the deepening darkness, we were just moments away from experiencing a mighty miracle.
     “As a long hour continued, my mom whispered over and over and over again, ‘I would do anything to take this from you.’
     “Meanwhile, the darkness intensified, and when I was convinced I could take no more, just then something marvelous occurred.
      “A transcendent and wonderful power suddenly overtook my body. Then, with a ‘strength beyond my own,’ I declared to my mom with great conviction seven life-changing words in response to her repeated desire to bear my pain. I said, ‘You don’t have to; Someone already has.’” – Carole M. Stephens

     I want to bear my testimony that I know that I am supposed to be here in Germany, I have learned so much and I feel that the Lord has been able to work through me. The experiences I have had in my life have taught me how infinite and wonderful the Atonement is and I am here to share that with specific people here in Ulm.
     One of our less actives told me something that made my heart want to cry because it meant she didn't understand the Atonement. I want you all to know now if you didn't already the Atonement is Not just for the sinners, although that is a vital part of it and we must all rely on it daily for that, it is for the broken hearted and the pained and afflicted. Please review the talk Master Healer! 
     The Atonement is for those who need peace and respite from the storm. I know that we can use the Atonement for forgiveness and for healing and so much more.

Ich weiß, dass das Sühnopfer echt ist!

Liebe Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Week of all Weeks

MONTAG: Hair Cuts and Göppingen Elders 
* So my hair has not been cut since before college and it was super bad and unhealthy I was talking about it to one of the members in my branch, and she offered to cut my hair for me, just a trim so it would be healthy again!! I never knew a hair cut could make you feel so good, but it looks so healthy again!!! (yes the member is an American, and no I do not trust my speaking abilities and a German with scissors and my hair) 
* On the way home it was dark and part of our walk home is not well lit so we called the Göppingen Elders on the walk home for safety; they were very nice about it, and I think it helped Sister Whiting feel more comfortable!
DIENSTAG: Passport Check and Rat Peed on Me
* On the way to Distrikt Meeting, a lady checked our ticket and my hair was hiding my name tag and Sister Whiting wasn't wearing one (she borrowed mine for the day because we were late, and she forgot hers, and to not cause confusion she took it off before the lady checked our tags), and so they lady asked to see our passports. It caught us a little off guard, but we had our copies with us so it was fine!
* Yeah one of our less actives had a really rough day so we went by to see her, and she brought her rat out to see us, and Sister W***** was so scared of it, so I picked it up hoping that she would be less scared knowing it was in one place not moving. Well it peed all over me so.... 
MITTWOCH: Apple Cut open with Head
* In the MTC Elder J***** showed us you can cut an apple open with your head, so I tried it this week and it worked! I need to take a video of me doing it, but here is a picture of the evidence!!
DONNERSTAG: Sister W*****'s Birthday
* The members are so cute here; they made special treats and bought Sister W***** gifts for her birthday!! Sisters from our Zone called too, and it was so cute! Another fun surprise was her last companion went home on Wednesday, but her family came to pick her up, so she was visiting a member that we were going to visit for dinner and she surprised Sister W*****!! I think that made her whole day!!! Picture below is of an Egel or hedgehog!!!
FREITAG: Full Straßenbahn and Dropping our Investigator
* We tried to catch the Straßenbahn to the church for weekly planning, but it was so full you couldn't fit another person on. People were standing in just barely so the doors could close. Someone tried to get on, and people pushed him off. As you watched the people inside they looked so squished and awkward. Sister W***** said she had never seen that before (I think we just hit it at the wrong time; school was getting out).
* I was so sad because we had to drop an investigator because he hasn't been showing up to any of his appointments. He had a baptismal date and everything :( I guess that is pretty common with Africans, but it was so sad.
GENERALKONFERENZ: Okay now for the best part of three while week!!!!
For my friends of other faiths, as Latter-day Saints we believe in modern day prophets who have the power and authority to speak for God like Adam and Moses and Abraham of old, except they live today and receive revelation for us today! How cool is that?!?! So twice a year we gather as saints all over the world for General Conference and listen to the Prophet and Apostles (like the 12 Apostles in the New Testament) speak on inspired topics meant just for us today! This past weekend was General Conference!
It is hard to pick your favorite general conference talk because they are all so good, but a few of the ones that stood out to me are:
Dean Davies
Peter Meurs
J. Devn Cornish
Dallin Oaks
I really encourage you if you didn't watch it to watch it. If you are not LDS, I promise you this, if you have a question for God that you want answered you can and will receive it if you watch part (or all is even better) of General Conference. I know this because I have done it many times and it works. The link is above to all sessions of General Conference!
NEW TESTAMENT READING: My mission president sent out an invitation for all the missionaries to finish the New Testament by the end of the year in preparation for Christmas. I have accepted the invitation and I invite all of you to do the same.
Liebe Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission