Sunday, August 7, 2016

Woche 4: Die Untersucher hören das Zeugnnis des Ferkels

Hallo meine Freunde,
GREEKERS: All the language learners are really close because we have been here for so long and we have similar schedules like meal time and Sport time and Gift of Tongues workshops together plus we were the only ones here for a little while during the transition. Anyway so often times you will find Greekers in our classroom or German in the English language classrooms. So the Greekers came and "gratified" our desks. Mine says I am Sister Anderson, not very original but cool!

APOSTASY? (just kidding): Sister Howsmon was trying to say that she was going to go to church but she said she is going against the Church by accident. Ich liebe gehen die Kirche. Ich liebe gegen die Kirche.  She was a little embarrassed but realized that she will never mess up gehen and gegen again.

LEARNING GERMAN: I learned how to make long words from Elder Freiman. Apparently in German you can just keep adding words together and as long as you have an order to it, it works and is a real word. Sister Cain and I are going to make one!!!! So excited!!!!

REPETITION FOSTERS CREATIVITY: It's so repetitious that we have themed days where we get our whole district to match like colors or stripes, we have done, blue, black and stripes. We also do weird stuff at night like dress up in winter clothes and run down the hall (only once and only one sister that wasn't me) but let me tell you the new missionaries were a little weirded out  ha ha!!!!

FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT: Sister Peterson taught Elder Wang this phrase and it was so funny. He was trying to say it and it was just the best thing ever. He is trying so hard to learn English, he is picking up on the culture too. 

GIFT OF TONGUES: I have realized that through the gift of Tongues that I can learn and memorize things so much easier than I would have been able to any other way. The gospel is so true. I know how powerful and wonderful our Father in Heaven is and His Beloved Son. I know that He wants His gospel to be preached to every people in their own tongue (D&C 90:11). I can see that in the 5 English language learners. Their faith and testimony is so strong and is an inspiration to me.

TENDER MERCIES: This week I challenge anyone reading this to look for a tender mercy in their life this week. I know that I have had countless tender mercies this week. The Lord is openly raining blessings and His love upon us we just need to look for them. It takes training and prayer but with practice, we will be filled with His love and mercy to us and our testimonies WILL be strengthened.

DEVOTIONALS: Shaquille Walker and his wife came and talked to us about missions and the future and it was so good. I loved how they made it personal and how the mission doesn't stop at 18 months or 2 years. We also had a devotional from 2009 in Provo from Elder Holland and it was sooooo good. I took a record 3 pages of notes on it. All about how the Holy Ghost should be our third companion. So because General Authorities don't come here very often we steal devotionals from Provo and use theirs AND they are SOOOOO GOOOD.

Love you all, you are all constantly in my thoughts and prayers.

  • My sisters on one of our many walks to the temple.
  • We get bored sometimes so we took our last initial and made an acronym, yup! 
  • The Greekers' graffiti.
  • In order Elder Freiman, Elder Duker, Elder Santos, Elder Hartle (DL). Love all these guys; they make this place so much fun!!! They are amazing spiritually as well. 
  • Elder Pèrez, Elder Wang, and I. They are some of the language learners (English). They are amazing!!! They are so happy and their testimonies are just amazing. It is a blessing to know all the English language learners. 


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