Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Wochen Sechs und Sieben: MTC ✈ ---> München 🚅 ---> Ulm

Hallo Freunde,
FOOTBALL: I played football today!!! All the missionaries here are really into Football, okay football is kind of the international sport except in America. Anyway, they were playing and I joined in. My feet were not working well for football but I tried. Some people even passed the ball to me!
MIRACLE BAGS: So I only brought one bag of luggage with me and thought that would be fine, perfect, no big deal. Well that made the one bag over weight by like 5 pounds, which is like a billion dollars, and an extra bag would be free (so dumb I know) but it works out!!! I prayed and prayed and prayed for some help because I was stressing hard core that I would have to leave behind stuff I didn't want to leave behind, like my grandma's towels or something. Then my amazing companion was like isn't there a piece of luggage in the lost and found?! AHHHH, there WAS!!! AND THEY LET ME TAKE IT!!!! So I was able to have tons of extra space, which allowed me to help others take their stuff too!!! 
Literally an answer to prayer!!! Obedience brings blessings!!
FAMILY PICS: Our District took pictures, and let me say they were adorable!!!! (Nothing else needs to be said. I miss my MTC district because of how amazing they all were!!!)
Too much happened to be able to adequately describe it. We flew from Manchester to London then from London to Munich. Then met the mission president and his wife and the AP's and the zone leaders for Munich. Then we tried talking to people, and they only wanted to talk in English because we were so bad. One lady didn't speak English and thought that we need money for a ticket. I understood what she was saying and I told her that we had money and a ticket, but I promise I was speaking German, but apparently not. 😓
Then we went to the stake center; got some training, food and stuff, and slept in a hostel.
Then to the trains and sad/happy/scared goodbyes.
My assigned town is probably the same size as Provo and Orem and similar situation where they kind of blend together. I love it here; it's awesome! I love the people and the weather and .... I am learning to love the language. 🙄
My first investigator appointment was the second day I got here (my first full day we had four appointments). It went really well. He is a refugee and so he speaks pretty good English, which was nice, and he has a baptismal date!!! We just need to get him to church!!
BELLS PROCLAIM TRUTH: Our second Appointment with this gentleman (he was my first lesson too). The lesson started off with the bells ringing, which they always do on the hour, but they didn't stop for 15 MINUTES! It was insane and kind frustrating to try and talk around them. My companion and I said the bells were proclaiming that what we were saying was truth (only as a joke afterwards).
2 Hour Church and less than 35: That's church for you. We have 2 hours because we are such a small branch that in the summer there aren't enough people (they actually just decided to extend it to the end of the summer), and I counted less than 35 people in sacrament meeting, and that counted the children. We actually have quite a few children too. 🤗
I hope all is going well there in America or wherever you are, and that you keep strong in the faith, the Lord needs us more now than ever before!!!

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