Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Are You Ready to Convert the World?

I said are you ready to conquer the world to my companion and then changed it to convert—hence the phrase. 

Spiritual Stories

Devotional by Eldar Bednar
He taught about how to be a Preach My Gospel missionary, but really mentioned little about the manual and talked about how a PMG missionary is a missionary for life and taught us that we need to let the Spirit teach through our personal worthiness and remembering who we represent! The devotional was so good. It taught me that we have the power of God in us and for the first time it really hit me that for the next 18 months I will be similar to the Apostles, that I have been called to represent the Lord as the Apostles have and that I must always remember that.

Testimony meeting
I love everyone's testimonies. It is really special to sit in a room of 87 people who are all ready to dedicate their lives to the Lord and preach His doctrine (2 Nephi 31 and 3 Nephi 11). I love everyone here and really wanted to give them all hugs, but they are Elders, so I got handshakes and hand hugs 

Fun stories
Devotional on Christ like attributes
We had an amazing devotional about Christ like characteristics. It was so funny because we were split up into groups and then presented about our characteristic and had to "debate" it basically explain why it's the best characteristic. Elder Hartle’s group sang a song to us, and Elder Joyce started spitting off all the attributes and why they weren't the best and it was really really funny. Elder Sly literally rapped a song about why Faith in Christ is the best. The idea was that they are all the same and they all center around Christ.

No free time for the Germans
They didn't give us exercise time because everyone else got to go out proselyting except the Germans and the Greeks and then a teacher fought to get us exercise time and then it was overruled for the Germans because we had a tablet safety meeting to go to. So we had 30 minutes of free time to walk around but we weren't supposed to change. 

Free Holy Tabs
Sister Campbell ordered Holy Tabs but she ordered the wrong size so she gave them to me because I had the size scriptures that fit and I was the only one. 

Record Heat
Last Tuesday was the hottest day England has seen in 10 years and my district decided to walk to Tesco, a 20-minute walk away :/

Color Days
So we get so bored that we do Color Days. Picture below is Blau Tag but we also had Schwartz Tag. And other districts join in.

Sorry this is so short,
LOVE Sister Anderson

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