Saturday, August 13, 2016

Woche Fünf: When you know you have been here too long....

Hallo Welt,
FAT FOOD: So we eat so much here that I gained 10 pounds in 3 weeks and Elder Kull, an Elder from Hannover, Germany, gained 15-17 pounds in 5 days! Yes we are getting fat ha ha.
GERMAN IS A STRUGGLE: Eifer and Teufel are similar (Diligence and Devil). Well Sister Peterson wanted to bless her companion with comfort but she messed up Trost and Eifer and ended up blessing her companion with the devil. Awkward. ha ha.
PRANKS: So we have some pranksters in my room... Sister Howsmon and Sister Cain took Sister Rasmussen's clothes and put them in the spare room to get back at her. It was hilarious because it took her forever to find them and she thought it was hilarious!!!
SPIN THE BOTTLE: We played spin the bottle in class to learn comparisons with people, but the best part was everyone new what spin the bottle meant except our teacher. She didn't know what it was because she is from Germany. It was obviously an innocent game but it was hilarious.
SEWING LESSON 101: Elder Hartle didn't know how to sew more than a button and his tie came a little unsewed. So he asked for our help and I put the string on the needle and Sister Howsmon sewed it for him. He was so funny!!! He was like "it was so intense."
POURING OUT BLESSING....: Sister Howsmon, the other sisters in our room, and I were done at the temple and taking pictures and it started to rain so we walked home and it slowly got worse until it was pouring. We started running and everyone was laughing at us; skirts are flying and hair is drenched. The Elders were in front of us and started running and so we went through the gardens, and we run into the building fully drenched. It was awesome, as long as I don't get sick (it's been going around).
STORIES: Sister Howsmon and I have been telling each other stories, made up ones about our mission and they are great!!! 
My story... "Sister Howsmon and I have just arrived in Germany, we are on the bus and it's crowded with people. I look at Sister Howsmon and she smiles and says to me "None of these people know the gospel," and I say "That's what we are here for," so we walk to the back of the bus and we see an older women working on a knitting project. I ask her what she is doing and she looks confused so we point to her project. Her eyes light up and she says in a thick Bavarian accent "this is for my first grandchild!" We ask her about her grandchild and her other family and how we have come to Germany all the way from America, leaving our families for a short time, to share a message of peace and happiness. We tell her about the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith and the restored gospel. She says she is like I got for a church but isn't sure about the Book of Mormon. Our stop comes up and we hand her a Book of Mormon and a pass-along card asking her to visit the website."
Sister Howsmon's story (to keep it short) was about me, 8 months into the field, I am a trainer and I meet her at the bus, I get the impression to get off the train early and the we meet a guy who lost his job and has to move, we share a message with him and 2 months later, missionaries in Vienna call us and tell us that a man met 2 missionaries at a train station and is now ready to be baptized!!!
DEVOTIONALS: We had a devotional by the recently released Leeds Mission President. It was soooo good!!! I learned that we need to be more interesting, like if you were from Utah say "I am from the Rocky Mountains of America". So I would be from the Great Empire State of New York or something like that; obviously I need to work on it. Also I learned I need to not tell how many baptisms I have because the work is eternal so I really don't know. 
TEMPLES: I know that Families can be together forever and that simple truth is the central part of God's plan for us who are His literal spirit children! What a beautiful truth to know that we are children of God, a King, the Ruler of the Universe!!
Liebe Sister Anderson
Alpenländisch Mission

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