Saturday, July 22, 2017

Das Leben der Missionare

Hallo Freunde,

This week was full of appointments and finding!! 

Baptismal Date with Jane: 

We had two wonderful lessons with her this week. She is truly amazing!! She is motivated to make friends in the ward and she is so excited for her baptism on the 29th. Sunday was full of planning her baptismal program with members and her and the ward!! 

Dienstag: After P-day we did quite a bit of finding on a street called Königstrasse. Once you serve in Stuttgart there is no place like Königstrasse. We find so many people there, it is truly amazing! I really feel like my abilities to find have quadrupled here, I love it!!

Mittwoch: Today was quite the day-to-day. We had transfers so we said goodbye to Elder Kaufusi and Sister Howsmon. It took me like 3 days to realize Sister Howsmon wasn't here; she is so cute! We had a great lesson with Jeanne, and she shared her testimony with us, and it was so cute!! She can really feel the spirit. We also had a four-hour Bible bashing appointment.... it wasn't all bad, but it was so hard to leave; people kept coming in from nowhere, and we had to start all over. Basically, everyone, the Church is oh so true!! It is designed to help us recognize the truth from trusted people and how to interpret the Bible the way God intended!! Surprisingly, my testimony grew from it, the Church just makes sense!! 

Donnerstag: We had 2 amazing appointments: one was a first appointment and the other was a member present lesson with Jane!! We talked about the temple and marriage! It was such a great lesson!! I love talking about the temple; it is such an amazing place!! I am trunks for the temple. Ha ha!! 

Freitag: We met with another investigator who is a friend of Jane and we have a baptismal date with her!!! She is super cute and knows the Church is true!! She is literally sooo sweet!!  We also found a potential when we went out to dinner with the Stephensons. How does that work? I don't know, but the Lord works in mysterious ways!! 

Samstag: Today we tried to visit a less-active in the hospital, but we missed the bus in both directions, so we walked all the way up the hill to the hospital and then all the way down the hill to our train!! It was quite the adventure. Ha ha!!! She is literally so cute and so funny, she doesn't care what she says. She just tells you everything whether you know the vocab or not and whether you want to know or not. Ha ha. She is so funny!!!

Sonntag and Montag: We had amazing member appointments with cute adorable children and Jane came to the one on Sunday and both families were American so English!!!!!
Montag: We had interviews with President!! He is so sweet and we spent 15 minutes talking to him as a district of how to make our street display better. President and Sister Brown are so motivated and ready to take on the mission, I am excited!!!

Dienstag (today): Today we did a hike to these waterfalls, and it was so beautiful!! The hike was so fun. We went with the other sisters and it wasn't too difficult but reminded me of home.  

This week we are asking people if you could ask God one thing what would you ask?
One guy said, “What can I do to make the world a better place!!” I think that is the best answer!!! 

Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission


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