Friday, June 30, 2017

European Bus Drivers Are Heros - They Can Literally Do Anything

So I think I would trust European bus drivers with literally my life; they drive around all day in the craziest of situations and somehow make it out all right!! 

Mittwoch - Lessons:
We had a lesson with our baptismal date investigator!! She even has a friend who is investigating too!! We also had a lesson with a less-active and saw some cool statues on the way home!!! (Pictures attached)

Donnerstag - Cleaning Day:
So this is an exciting day. We cleaned and cleaned and took a break to visit a less-active and then cleaned and cleaned some more!! 

Freitag - Sharing our beliefs:
On Thursday we got a random call from a lady, and she said she was doing a project for school and she needed to compare different beliefs on the Bible because she was Catholic. So we made an appointment for the next day; she was very surprised!! We started out describing our beliefs in German and we explained the Book of Mormon and prophets, and she was writing our answers down. She then asked about evolution.... We got the Senior Couple in to help answer that and the conversation switched to English. After a while she was done with her written questions and she was just asking questions that interested her and she wasn't writing down the answers. We ended up giving her a huge pile of materials to help her with her paper and she offered to give us a tour of Stuttgart some day!

We had another amazing lesson with Jane (baptismal date)

Samstag - Referring people and Member support:
This week we got the opportunity to refer two of our investigators to other missionaries in our zone. It is sad to not be able to work with them, but fun to help out other missionaries in our Zone!!  

We had 5 members come to our Street Support. They add a whole other level to the street display. It was amazing. Now we just need to work on their confidence!! 

Sonntag - Gathering the Elect:
We had amazing lesson with an investigator from China. He is so ready. This shows that the Lord is gathering his people despite restrictions that some countries have. The gathering of Israel is happening in Germany; who would of thought? 

Montag - Translating:
I got to translate for a member at FHE and it was fun experience!! 

We had a couple of member appointments this week, which are always fun and five members came to our street display. The ward is so supportive!! 

One thing that I have been thinking a lot about lately is the idea of how God is literally always there. We just need to reach out and ask for His help. No matter how small we think our problem is, He is always there! That is a doctrinal truth; that He is always there!! I hope you all know that!! I invite you this week to find three ways the Lord has blessed you and write them down so you don't forget!!

Happy Birthday to my cousin PAIGE this week!!! 

Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission

Me and my crazy companion LOVE HER!!
A gift from President Kohler
Cool statues


Sunday, June 25, 2017

When it's Raining Potentials and an Investigator Falls Out of the Sky

Hallo Freunde!!

Happy Father's Day everyone!!! 👨💻👔(because my dad works at a computer place)
Miracle Story of the Week!!!! 
Okay remember from last week how we went finding with our investigator and found 7 people that day (5 with her)? Well one of the people I had stopped, trying to just get out there, were two people from India who spoke English and were just here for a business trip or internship. I did a survey with them, asking them what they thought about God and the meaning of life (big questions, I know). They were super nice. They were willing to meet again before they went back to India, and so I got one of their numbers. On Wednesday I called him and for some reason he was speaking German to me.... I was really confused, but quickly switched into German and made an appointment. The time comes for the appointment, and I am still confused, so we plan to teach Lesson B if the guy I think it is comes and Lesson A if it is someone totally new. Well, he shows up to the center, and I have never met this man in my life!! We teach lesson A and we get to know him better. He has a different religious background, comes from Morocco, and he is living here because he married a German. Wait, what??? But he totally had interest!!! We were going through the Restoration and he randomly interrupts and asks if I know French. Uh, nein. BUT our investigator who had decided to stay is from France and explained Joseph Smith and defined ordinances in French to him!! We were able to give him a Book of Mormon in Arabic, a language he can understand better than German and we gave him a German one for his wife!! How weird is that?!?! I have no idea how we got this golden guy's number, but it was a miracle he found the center and that our investigator was there to help!!! I am so excited for him!! 
Besides having a great finding week!!! We had Zone Conference and it was President and Sister Kohler's last zone conference!! It was so fun to hear them speak and to hear their testimonies!!!  We are able to watch a slideshow of the Kohlers whole time here!! It was really fun! I will miss them, but am excited for the new ideas and testimony the Browns will bring!! President talked quite a bit about transition and it was so interesting to view the mission as an ever-going train, and we are blessed to be able to ride it for a little while!!! 
One of our investigators has a baptismal date for July!!! We are so excited for her!! Please pray for her. Her name is Jane!!
We went to Ludwigsburg and saw the castle. We were too cheap to go inside with the tour so we took pictures from the outside. Ha ha!!

I hope you are all straying strong and remember God loves you and is waiting for you to ask for His Help! Let Him walk with you or even carry you!!! The Gospel is true. Jesus Christ is perfect. Let Him perfect us!
Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson 😁
Alpenländische Mission
This is the Ludwigsburg castle we went to see today
A sandwich they call the New York, so I had to eat it,
The International Sisters came over for dinner on Sunday,
Dinner with the Internationals and our investigator after finding,
President and Sister Kohler--last picture with them as a missionary

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Wunder der Woche (Miracle of the Week)

Hold on. Sorry this one is so long 

Hallo Friends!

This week had so much happen, but it was all just regular missionary stuff!
         This past week we had a goal of getting 10 Potentials (someone who is willing to listen, exchange contact information, and learn more). We reached that!!! So this week we wanted to try again and yesterday alone we got 7!! It was so cool!!  Sometimes when you meet people off the street you don’t know if they really will have interest or not, but you stop them, just hoping that they will want to listen for a few minutes! Well with our miracles day yesterday, we had a really cool experience. 

     It was towards the end of the day, we had been finding since about 3 or 4 in the afternoon and had a ton of success (thanks to our investigator; she wanted to come finding with us and stayed almost all day and helped us find 5 of our Potentials). We were doing one last stroll and Sister H. says, “Let’s stop that guy.” And so we stop this man from China and we do a survey with him, asking him what he believes and we also just got to know him a bit by asking him questions. He was so cute!!! He said he didn’t believe in God because he hadn’t grown up with that knowledge. Sister H. felt inspired to give him a Plan of Salvation pamphlet – we don’t usually do that, but it felt so right, and he accepted it!! He also was interested in meeting with us and discussing it more! I am so excited!! I had a similar feeling with a man my companion and I stopped last winter, and this guy is doing amazing!! I am really excited to call and make an appointment!!!

          I want to show the members were such a support this week. As a missionary, members are the best! They help you out when you need some physical help. They are joint teaches and they can do things that we as missionaries can’t do and they know things we don’t. On Saturday we were at our Ausstellung (street display), and a man walks up holding a bunny. First of all, anyone that knows me, knows that just made my whole day right there. So I walk up to him and just ask him about his bunny and then he says his bunny has interest in learning about the Plan of Salvation. Wait, what? Turns out he was a member, and I am too new to know that. Ha ha. He offered to bring us lunch and so an hour later he brought us homemade omelet things, bread, and yogurt. It was so good and so sweet of him. I also got to hold the bunny twice!!! (I think I can count him as an investigator right?)  

          Another member on Sunday was willing to go with us to a less-active’s house and bring her the sacrament and give her a priesthood blessing!! They drove us there and then also fed us lunch, and were able to share a spiritual thought with them before we left! It was so sweet!! Members just make my day!!! 

         So I was asked to give a talk on Sunday, Sister H was so shocked because she hadn’t been asked yet and it was that they asked me to give a talk on my second Sunday. My talk was on the power of the Holy Ghost. I thought I would attach my talk for anyone who wanted to read it! 

Who is the Holy Ghost? 
He is a God, a member of the Godhead, He is a Man, He is also a Spirit
The Godhead includes Heavenly Father, God the Son Jesus Christ, and 
"The Holy Ghost, [who] is the revealer and testifier of all truth."
The Holy Ghost  "teach[es] us what is true. He will testify of Christ" 

Without the Holy Ghost, we could not have a testimony that Jesus is the Christ and that His Church has been restored to the Earth. Through the Holy Ghost, we can feel the truth in our hearts. This comes from the attribute that the Holy Ghost is a personage of Spirit. In Doctrine and Covenants 130 we learn of the nature of God, how Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have bodies of flesh and blood " ... but the Holy Ghost has not a body of flesh and bones, but is a personage of Spirit. Were it not so, the Holy Ghost could not dwell in us." He is able to directly speak to our Spirit and leave a lasting impression on us, one that is not easily erased. This attribute of the Spirit allows us to build our testimonies.

Along with the Holy Ghost testifying of the truth, which is His primary task, He also guides, directs and warns us. God uses the Holy Ghost to warn of us dangers and give us answers to our questions.  As Penelope Allen wrote in the Hymn: 

"Let the Holy Spirit guard;
Let his whisper govern choice.
He will lead us safely home
If we listen to his voice."

He will lead us safely home to our Father in Heaven, if we listen to His voice. His voice is a still, small voice; he speaks to us with feelings of joy and peace and sometimes the whisper of words. We know that what we are doing is right when we can feel calm, happy and peaceful! We can feel the Holy Ghost answering our questions as we pray, read the scriptures, and attend Church. He is ready and waiting to guide us and guard us!  If we live worthy of His presence.

The Holy Ghost is a member of the Godhead and therefore one must be worthy to have Him with them. We must have good thoughts and words, choose the right, and try to be like our Savior. In 3 Nephi 27 it says "And no unclean thing can enter into his kingdom; therefore nothing entereth into his rest save it be those who have washed their garments in my blood, because of their faith, and the repentance of all their sins, and their faithfulness unto the end." 

We can all have the Holy Ghost with us, if we live worthy, and enjoy the blessings of His guidance and care.

I have definitely noticed the Holy Ghost in my life, as we had a lesson on Sunday night with one of our investigators; we read Alma 32 together and just studied it! We had the senior couple there with us as well, and it was amazing to have your mind enlightened so much by reading a scripture and analyzing it. Everyone was making comments that I hadn’t ever thought of before and ideas were coming to my own mind that were totally new! Have you ever thought of the sun scorching the plant as anything but negative? (verse 38), but every plant needs sunlight; it just needs sunlight supported by water and healthy soil. What about light in verse 35? When you have the gospel in your life, you have light in your life, but you also feel lighter! As in the sins and sorrow of the world don’t weigh you down!!

Sorry my email was so long today! I hope you all have a great week and stay strong! The Lord is always there for us!

Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson 
Alpenländische Mission
Pictures of Fun Stuff: 
Book of Mormon in multiple languages
Sis. H. had her first KitKat (she is allergic to the ones in America). 
We made cookies for our neighbors and landlord!! 
At the member appointment, they showed us Liahonas (called Der Stern back then) from the 1800's!!! The German is so pretty!!
When you don’t have a dryer you use fans! 




Sunday, June 11, 2017

Who is the trainer here?

Hello all of my favorite people!! 

Transfer Day:
So transfers are always an adventure. We rode to Munich and dropped some people off.      I saw a bunch of people I hadn't seen in forever and then we got on a new train with different people and went to Stuttgart!! I got to see Sister Howsmon for the first time since we left Munich 9 months ago. 
My Golden: 
She comes from the wonderful land of Utah and is super bubbly but totally cool at the same time. She loves to eat in general but especially ice cream (my mom will like her 😉). She loves everything and really has no favorites or strong display likes; she is really indecisive when it comes to things like what is your favorite color. Ha ha!!! She lives her life at a steady high, it's great!!

Gemeinde Stuttgart:
I love the ward here!! It's so great!!! The Spirit was so strong in sacrament meeting!! I am so excited to work here! I bore my testimony in sacrament meeting. I don't know what I said, but they asked me to speak next week. That will be exciting. We also gave a lesson on Alma 32. I highly suggest reading it! We also got to help out in Primary. That was so much fun!! 
We have a street display every Saturday, and it is so much fun!! I got to do finding with my MTC companion. That was really fun to do missionary work in the real world for the first time with her!! My golden went out finding with the other golden. They are so AMAZING!! 
Our District is our entire area. We have four missionaries in the International Ward and four in the German ward!! The Distrikt Leader is the Elder Stephenson. He and his wife are the senior couple. He is military, so district meetings run very smoothly. It's great!! I love everyone's comments!!! I learned so much!! 😊
I am loving the mission, and learning everyday about how I want to improve and become the person the Lord wants me to be! My testimony is strengthened. My companion has taught me so much about fearing and loving the Lord! She is an amazing example to me!! 
Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson 😁
Alpenländische Mission