Thursday, July 21, 2016

Has It Been a Century or a Day....

Hello all,

Wow it has been 2 weeks since I left home and 14 days in the MTC!

I am learning more than I thought I ever could, I know how cliché that sounds but it is so true and you can't understand until you go through something similar. It is stressful but rewarding and it's helpful to know that the others in my district are going through the same thing and they are the most supportive group I could have been blessed with.


Sport: The language learners all have sport together and it is so much fun because for the past few days we have played volleyball. Missionaries aren't allowed to be competitive and keep score, and every missionary has to participate, so we have teams of like 7-9 missionaries all playing on the court at the same time and because we can't keep score there ends up being no rules and it turns into a big game of keep the volleyball up. It is so much fun. People are hitting the ball with their legs and heads; it's crazy. The coolest part I think is we have people from all over the world and all walks of life. We have the rich British missionary (well he comes from a well-off part of the UK. I don't actually know if he is wealthy), the missionary from Wisconsin, the German, the Brazilian, and one missionary is from Taiwan. Of course the Utah people too. It's just so much fun.

Maxed out MTC: We were told that normally the MTC only holds one zone at a time, so like 40 missionaries. Right now there are 87! So things are a little crazy because the MTC is overcrowded. They have two meal times because we don't have room in the cafeteria for everyone, but I don't know any different so I think it works really well.

Escaping the MTC: We leave the MTC grounds to go to the store and get stamps, etc. But the pathway to leave is behind a pretty park between the stake center and the temple (picture a picturesque garden and you are pretty close). You go through this magical garden to a gate and then you are in civilization! It really feels like you are walking through a fantasy book and your character is going through two different worlds! And in some ways it's true.

The historical race reenacted: The Apostles came to England and taught many people here. It is amazing to hear of their faith and courage. When they set a baptismal date people flocked to the river and many raced across the bridge to be the first person baptized! So some of our elders reenacted the race and raced across the bridge. The zone leader, Elder Rickard, who is from Kent, England and going to Athens, Greece, won the race.

Spiritual Experiences

The Priesthood: So I had been feeling a little off and confused with a few things and just didn't know why I was focusing on something so much. So I got a blessing and then was able to talk with Sister Cain one of the sisters in my room/distict and was able to process through it, Was eine für Segnung!

Sabbath day talks: Will Jesus weep tears of joy for me? Sister Preston talked about the Book of Mormon and how it has changed her life and how she hopes that Jesus will weep tears of joy for her when the day comes and not tears of sorrow. I hope to that I can live my life in such a way as to have Jesus weep tears of joy for me.

Temple Trip on P-Day: I just love to see the temple. I'm going inside someday.... every P-Day until it closes for cleaning! AHHHH! It's amazing to see the eyes of the people in your district light up when they enter the temple. It's a beautiful and sacred place. I feel so blessed to have temples on the Earth today and one so close while I am here at the MTC. It is so beautiful. Hence I shared so many pictures.

Two new investigators: We have new investigators, Monique and Julian! They are our teachers acting, but it's great practice! I am learning to love people that I don't know and I am learning to listen to the spirit with my companion during lessons and planning for lessons. I feel like I am way super inadequate but I think everyone thinks that.

Testimony time with mein Distrikt: It was amazing to hear the sweet testimonies of my district. I just love all of them so much! I feel like we are one big family because we all love and take care of each other like a family should. We pray together in the mornings and all throughout the day and at night. We are all constantly asking how we are doing and our district leader cares so much you can tell by the way he acts, always smiling at us!

Sehen Sie in 18 Monate.
Sister Anderson


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