Tuesday, December 12, 2017

I'll be Home For Christmas 🎶🎄

Hello Friends,

First:  This Sunday I am having a welcome home party. It will be after church at 1-ish (my mom knows better than me). You are all invited!! No need to RSVP; just come over at any time. I would love to see you!! 

On Tuesday we went to the Chocolate Festival in Tübingen!! So fun. I can tell you all about it on Sunday! 

Wednesday - Pforzheim one last time! We went out to Pforzheim to visit some members and it was so sweet. The missionaries haven't visited them very often so it was fun to just talk and listen to them, and get to know them better. I felt so bad that we couldn’t stay out their longer. I hope next transfer they can go again! I love the members there, so sweet such faith because they all have to travel so far to go to church! It’s amazing!! 

Thursday – Interviews. I got to talk to President Brown for a little while one on one. It was so fun and a little weird knowing in a week I will be sitting down with him again for the last time as a missionary!! Crazy, now only a few days away!! 

He came up to me and talked to me at our Ausstellung and I gave him a Book of Mormon. We have met with him twice now: once to explain the Book of Mormon, and once again to talk more about faith. He has started reading in the Book of Mormon and he came to the Christmas Concert on Sunday (which by the way was amazing! The music was so good and all the missionaries in our zone even did a musical number!) He met a member who came yesterday spur of the moment as a joint teach! Bonus of joint teaches is they can explain things in a different way than we can because they have a better grasp on the language! #natives I love the way the lesson ended. We all gave our testimony and I think he could feel the Spirit and the singleness of the truthfulness of our testimony!

We met with him on Friday and again joint-teach blessings. He wasn't understanding the importance of the Priesthood and our amazing recent RM friend explained it in German so that he could better understand!!  I feel like he better understands what we are trying to teach him and I hope he will pray this week with an open heart!! 

We have a new Christmas Ausstellung!! We had a board with the question "How can you be a light to the world?" It was so fun and we had candy and sticky notes and the whips district was there including the Stephensens!!! Sooo fun!!!

I am so excited to see you all!!! Bis Gleich!! Ich habe euch lieb!! 

The Esslingen Weihnachtsmarkt
Lilli and I 
Sister Hunter playing piano on a Bahn
Our distrikt!
St. Nicholas!!
A super tall Pyramid 
Us looking at the pyramids :)
Our Ausstellung
Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission


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