Wednesday, December 6, 2017

All I want for Christmas is to LIGHT THE WORLD!

This week was filled with little miracles and fun adventures.

    We have a Christmas Street Display and we decided to mix it up and do it later in the day, and we got 21 Potentials!! It was fun. We showed the Christmas video and I stayed by the stand to watch the stuff, and people were coming up to me and asking questions; it was awesome!! I was able to get the phone number of one and we have an appointment for sometime on Thursday! 

    He speaks French, I didn't know how much Potential he had and it was hard to get an appointment so we were close to dropping him, but this week he asked if we could meet. We arranged for a missionary who used to serve in this mission who is from France to Skype in. The Elders came so we could meet at his house and it turned out to be an amazing lesson. He understood what was being said when it was in French and he could ask his questions!! I could feel the Spirit so strong when Jöel bore his testimony even if I couldn't understand. 

Funny Moments: 
     At first Jöel took over and was answering all of his questions and Sister Woolsey and I were both wondering if it would be a one man show, haha. It sounded pretty, but then we started teaching and we would explain something and then Jöel would translate, sometimes though Michel would have a question and then instead of translating everything Jöel would just answer and then after Michel would turn to the person speaking and say "Weiter" (continue) and at one point, we were all so lost including the Elders that we just start laughing and Elder Peterson says "Wo sind wir?" (Where are we?), teaching in a foreign language! 

Sharing the Light the World with Members:
     We had a couple of appointments this week with member families and were able to share the Light the World Initiative and invite them to do the calendar and invite a friend to do it with them, being a light to others!! It has been really fun!!

     On Thursday we had a Relief Society Activity where we made Advent wreaths and I made one for Jeanne!! We had real tree limbs we cut down and tied to wreaths!! It was fun. There were cookies, tea, and Christmas music!! So fun!!

     We met Florian by the University a few weeks ago. He had time so we taught him the first lesson. We have met with him twice since then and taught him the Plan of Salvation. We really want him to come to church but he goes home on the weekends. He read last week!! We gave him the option of 2 chapters and he read one!!! He is already religious and asks great questions!! 

     Miyuko came with us last Tuesday to the Ludwigsburg Weihnachtsmarkt and we taught her a lesson beforehand!! She came to church again on Sunday!! We are so excited!! We wanted to go with her to the Chocolate Festival in Tübingen today but sadly she can't make it! She said she prayed, she hasn't gotten an answer yet, but she is still hopeful! She started reading the Book of Mormon – the witnesses and introduction! She is excited to learn more about Jesus Christ's life this week when we meet. She has gotten pretty busy with work and school. Please pray that she will continue to read, come to church, and meet with us! 

      We had exchanges and I went to the Stuttgart International Sisters with Sister Gunderson – so fun because it is both of our last transfers!! We talked about plans for home, MyPlan, packing, and the stress of it all, haha. We went to a member’s and the member was so cool!! Totally excited to do missionary work, already had someone in mind that she wants to give a Book of Mormon too and invite to an activity!! Really fun!!

Alles Liebe
Sister Anderson
Alpenländische Mission

It finally snowed!!! I love it!!
Us and the Elders
Family Schaals
Family Gillins
Ludwigsburg Christmas market!!

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